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Why Is American Ginseng Good For Health: Benefits And More


For centuries, Native Americans have relied on herbal medicines to cure their ailments. These medicines usually include natively grown plants, herbs, seeds, and more. Further, these medications are all-natural, side effect free, and have added health benefits.

One of the magical healing plants used by the natives is American ginseng. Some names of American ginseng are - Tartar roots, Red Berry, Little Man, etc. It is known as Panax quinquefolius scientifically. Ginseng belongs to the family of Araliaceae.

The roots of ginseng plants are the remedy for several diseases. From a dry cough to diabetes and cerebral anemia, it cures both mild and severe illnesses.

Are you struggling with your health? Do you want a side-effect-free healing option? Ginseng can prove to be an excellent option for you. Moreover, you can feel the difference within 24- 48 hours of consuming it. Thus, making it easy for you to heal faster and manage your health conditions effectively.

What Is Ginseng?

Ginseng is a plant product. It is the fleshy root of a slow-growing, short plant. There are 11 familiar varieties of ginseng available. These categories are on the basis of their color and the growth of the plant.

Ginseng is rich in antioxidants and has several health benefits. The most commonly used ginseng are American ginseng roots and Asian or Korean ginseng roots (Panax ginseng). The Native American and traditional Chinese healers used this fleshy root to heal severe and mild illnesses.

The ginseng roots have two significant compounds: gintonin and ginsenosides. But, the concentration of these compounds differs in each variety of ginseng.

Difference Between American And Asian Ginseng

American and Asian ginseng belongs to the same family. But their chemical composition and medicinal properties are different. Apart from all the healing properties, American ginseng also works as a relaxing agent. On the other hand, Asian ginseng has a stimulating effect.

American Ginseng

Note that American ginseng is native to North America and is said to improve immune health, help you get over your cold faster, help fight stress, and protect against certain types of cancer.

Many also use herbal supplements to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, anemia, and nerve problems. It's also a stimulant that improves athletic performance and brain functioning.

Asian Ginseng

Asian ginseng has many names, including Korean and Panax ginseng. It's native to Asia and is grown primarily for medicinal use. People generally use it to help with angina and pain. Furthermore, Korean ginseng helps people with diabetes with blood sugar control, alleviates erectile dysfunction, improves stamina and strength, and improves overall wellness.

However, although research has been conducted to examine the health benefits of Asian ginseng, all those studies haven't provided any definitive evidence that it can enhance your health, as claimed. Hence, more research needs to be done.

What Is An American Ginseng Used For: Top 7 Health Benefits

American Ginseng is a forked-like, light-in-color- medicinal root belonging to the Araliaceae family. This herb grows mainly in North America. The medicinal qualities of this root are familiar to all from ancient times. Furthermore, the uses of ginseng roots are not confined to ancient times. The latest studies and research have found their use in modern medicine. Some of the uses are:


Researcher Maimes and clinical herbalist David Winston have researched American Ginseng. Their book Adaptogens, 2007 states that people can use ginseng to heal gastritis.

Brain Function

A team of researchers offered subjects to take 200 milligrams of American ginseng. This was done to test the effects on brain functioning. The results showed that the dose improved brain functioning and working memory within 3 hours. Therefore, eliminating any doubts about its effectiveness.

Reduce Inflammation

There were several types of research that tested the anti-inflammatory properties of ginseng. One such study was conducted to test the effectiveness of American ginseng. Scientists asked twelve men to ingest the extracts of Tartar roots.

After some time, the subjects reported positive effects. A reduction in exercise indulged muscle damage, and lowered markers of inflammation were seen. Thus, proving its effectiveness.


American ginseng is beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels for people with or without diabetes. The roots of this herb improve pancreatic cell function and boost insulin production. It also enhances blood sugar uptake in tissues. Thus, it is an effective medicine for managing diabetes.

However, you should take it within 2 hours of a meal because it can bring blood sugar levels down to a fatal point if taken on an empty stomach.

Besides, studies have shown that ginseng extracts provide antioxidants. The antioxidants help reduce free radicals in the cells of individuals struggling with diabetes.

An 8-week-long study shows that taking 3 grams of American ginseng per day can reduce fasting blood sugar. It also improves the marker of long-term blood sugar control, hemoglobin A1c, in people with type 2 diabetes.


A review of 10 studies summarized that taking doses of American ginseng can improve symptoms of chronic fatigue. Another study shows that consuming ginseng enhances the physical performance of the body. Hence, it shows that ginseng fights chronic fatigue.

Dry Conditions

In ancient times, Chinese medicinal healers used the roots of ginseng to heal dry diseases. Some examples are - dry mouth, dry cough, and asthma.

Cerebral Anemia

American ginseng is a mild sedative. It works as a nerve tonic for conditions like cerebral anemia. It also cures indigestion caused by nervousness. Thus, it is a proper remedy. Furthermore, in-depth details of the same are in Ellingwood 1919: the American Materia Medica.

Where To Buy American Ginseng Root?

American Ginseng is readily available in herbal clinics and online stores. However, you can enjoy the goodness of ginseng and its health benefits only when you consume high-quality extracts.

Shea's Apothecary is a reputed, trustworthy, and dedicated facility. Its treatments are based on botanicals and therapies. Our primary goal is to support our client's overall well-being. Shea's offers the best quality 100% natural American ginseng. You can buy them in two portion sizes - 4 oz and 2 oz. Moreover, you can avail of ginseng at a reasonable price range. We guarantee you quality and value for your money.

Find American ginseng roots for sale at Shea's Apothecary: And enjoy the goodness of Native American herbal medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Take American Ginseng?

American ginseng must be taken within 2 hours of a meal. It can drop blood sugar levels at an alarming rate if taken long before meals. Otherwise, it can lead to a fatal condition.

What Are The Side Effects Of American Ginseng?

The side effects of American Ginseng are rare. However, taking them in high doses can cause headaches, nervousness, insomnia, and diarrhea. These symptoms also show up if you consume it for a long period or consume the roots by mouth.

How Long Does It Take For American Ginseng To Work?

Ginseng is a natural substance, so it does not need too much time to show its effect. Effects can be within 24 hours to 48 hours. How fast you feel the impact depends on what form and what quality you are taking.

Who Should Not Take American Ginseng?

It would be best if you do not take American Ginseng for the following health conditions:

  • Pregnancy

  • Hormone-sensitive conditions like - breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometriosis, etc.

  • Schizophrenia

  • Before and after surgery

  • Insomnia

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