Herbal medicine is an effective way to heal the mind, soul, and body. Nowadays, people are returning to the same things that they have been using in the past. One of the examples of those things is herbal medicine. Since it is widely popular, people are opting for this natural alternative.
Luckily, it is not difficult to find herbal remedies. You can find herbal remedies at a health food store or can order online. Some of the examples of these remedies are extracts and tinctures that we obtain from plants and herbs. These include eucalyptus, ginger root extract, lavender, etc.

Extracts and tinctures are different substances with their pros and cons. In this blog, we will explain the difference between extract and tincture so that you can understand which might work better for you.
Overview Of Tincture
A tincture is a type of liquid that we get from the extraction of herbs with alcohol. People use tincture for medical purposes in many places around the world. The alcohol generally comes from liquor, wine, or other types of distilled beverages. Usually, these tinctures help with issues like flu symptoms, the common cold, and other types of pain.
In fact, the tinctures are made of alcohol. Usually, people can see results with the minimum usage of tincture because of the tincture's alcohol content. With the help of this, your body can easily absorb the herb and get its benefits.
Generally, tinctures are taken by mouth, and in some cases, you can take tincture by pouring it on a teaspoon and swallowing it. Various parts of the plant are used to make tinctures, such as berries, bark, flowers, roots, stems, and leaves. Additionally, tincture provides secondary effects, such as aiding digestion or boosting the immune system.
How To Use A Tincture?
There are many ways in which tincture is utilized. It includes using tincture in the form of dietary supplements, cosmetics, and beverages. Besides all this, tinctures also include therapeutic mushrooms. Moreover, tinctures are known for their rapid actions and are easy to use. You just need to take them in the form of drops and can later adjust the dosage according to your needs.
How Much Tincture Do You Have To Take?
How much you have to take the tincture will always be mentioned on the product. For example, you can take 10 drops a day and 20 drops twice. You can try having the tincture with herbal tea or dilute it in water. The best time is to take right before, after, or at the time of a meal.
Overview Of Extracts
The extract is different from tincture because it does not contain alcohol in it. It consists of non-alcoholic liquids, these liquids can differ, but they commonly include water, glycerin, or vinegar. Extracts need more plant matter to give you the same effect as tinctures. That is why they are likely to be costlier and need elongated steeping time to get optimal outcomes.
Using extract over the tincture provides you the benefit of a longer shelf life. Additionally, alcohol makes the tincture stronger in taste, whereas extracts are mixed with less strong liquid. Due to this, they are also appropriate for children.
How To Use An Extract?
Extracts are very easy to use. If you want to use them, take the right amount of it on a spoon and have it. Moreover, you can use them for non-medicinal purposes. For example, several people use extracts to make scents and perfumes. They can also be used for seasoning various dishes or cooking. Extracts also serve as an additive to beverages like flavored water or cocktails. That is why we mostly see extracts at grocery stores.
How Much Extract Do You Have To Take?
Read the product label to know how much dose you have to take. Generally, you can take between 10 to 40 drops a day. Moreover, to consume the extract, you can dilute it with herbal tea or water. However, remember to take the dose as prescribed and take the extract an hour before or after the meal.
Tincture: Pros & Cons
Below, we have mentioned some of the pros and cons of tincture:
Compared to whole herbs, they have a longer shelf life.
Easy to store
Easy to absorb in the body
You can easily make it at home
You may require a larger amount of tincture to get the same benefits you may get from a small amount of extract.
Extract: Pros & Cons
Below, we have mentioned some of the pros and cons of extracts:
You can easily store them
As compared to tinctures, extracts can be more powerful.
Significantly, extracts have a longer shelf life.
The process of preparation is time-consuming
The process is too long, which can take away all the essential oils from the herbs
Before use, you have to shake it properly with the liquid
What Is The Difference Between An Extract And A Tincture?
The biggest difference between extract and tincture we have noticed from the above information is that tincture contains alcohol. On the other hand, the extract does not contain alcohol. If we see the extracts, the ratio of alcohol and the herb is 1:1. However, tincture is made with more alcohol and less plant, generally ranging from 3:1 to 8:1.
Additionally, before you use it, shake it properly, as there is residual plant material in the liquid, which gets separated from the alcohol, and some sediments get deposited.
Note: Tinctures keep up more essential oils of the herbs.
Where To Buy The Best Tincture Or Extract?
The main objective of tinctures and extracts is to create a more powerful version of the herb so that people who are consuming it can reap the benefits of the herbs to the fullest.
Herbs are the best resource for many different reasons. The benefits you get include boosting the metabolism and energy, helping to focus, etc. In general, tinctures and extracts are an excellent way to get the benefits! Hopefully, now you understand the difference between Extract and Tincture and can choose which one you should buy, extract or tincture.
If you are looking for a trusted brand to shop cruelty-free, vegan, and transparent tinctures or extracts you can visit Shea's Apothecary. The tinctures and extracts are hand-made and you can find a clear ingredient-list on the website as well as the products to ensure what you are buying is the right herbal health booster for you.